Highly Recommended Hair Growth Foods You Should Eat Daily


Almost everyone wants strong and healthy looking hair. Your beautiful hair adds an extra charm to your appearance. Even when we grow old, we remain covetous for shiny and beautiful hair.

Hair loss and regrowth are natural processes, but when hair does not grow back, then it signifies permanent hair fall that can be caused due to several factors.

Consuming a healthy diet which has the right amounts of all the necessary nutrients can help you with the problem of hair loss and can also help you grow new hair. Here are some highly recommended hair growth foods that you must include in your diet:


Eggs are the best source of protein and vitamin B7 that are important for hair growth. Including the appropriate amount of protein in your diet improves hair follicles, which prevents hair loss.

Biotin or vitamin B7 is responsible for the production of keratin, which is a hair protein. That is why there are many products in the market that claim to have keratin as it helps in hair growth. Studies have shown that consuming biotin daily can even stop hair loss in people with biotin deficiency.

Nevertheless, eggs are a rich source of many other healthy nutrients that are important for hair growth, so daily consumption of egg is highly recommended.


Berries are loaded with vitamins and other components that are important for hair growth. They are a rich source of vitamin C with antioxidant benefits.

Antioxidants can help grow back hair and there are many foods that are rich in antioxidants that can also be consumed daily. They protect hair follicles from the damages caused by pollution and dust.

Berries help strengthen hair and prevent breakage. Vitamin C in berries helps the body to absorb iron from the food that we eat. It has been seen that a lower level of iron can cause anemia, which can lead to hair fall.


Avocados are a great source of vitamin E and healthy fats that promote hair growth. About 200 gm of avocado gives our body at least 21% of vitamin E that we need daily. Like vitamin C, vitamin E is also an antioxidant that helps fight against oxidative stress. Vitamin E also helps protect the scalp from stress and damage via oxidation. A damaged skin can degrade the quality of the hair.

Fatty Fish

Edible fatty fishes are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for hair. Consumption of fishes like salmon, mackerel, and herring have been linked to hair growth. In a study, it was seen that women/men, who took supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, overcame hair fall problem. They even observed improved hair density.

Studies have also shown that fish oil supplements can cure and reduce hair thinning and these fatty fishes are a great source of vitamin D3 and B, selenium, protein and other nutrients that help grow strong and healthy hair.  


Spinach is a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin A, folate (vitamin B9) and iron – all of which, help grow hair. The skin produces sebum due to vitamin A, which moisturizes the scalp and keeps your hair healthy.

Spinach is also a great source of iron that is essential for hair growth. Iron helps the red blood cells to carry oxygen all across the body, which boosts our metabolism, aiding in repair and growth processes inside the body. It has been seen that people with iron deficiency usually suffer from hair fall problem.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted by the body to vitamin A, a nutrient necessary for good and healthy hair. Studies prove that vitamin A helps produce sebum that keeps the hair healthy. They also speed up the process of hair growth.  

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